Get Connected

By Cisco Networking Academy


Cover your digital basics

The digital world is upon us both personally and professionally. Having a better understanding of the Internet, computers and social media can be a big help toward acquiring digital skills. And, once you have these skills there are many more possibilities opened to you as far as career advancement. Learn how to use a computer, connect devices and access search, email, and social media. Enjoy course content that is very user-friendly and interactive with lots of illustrations! No previous knowledge is needed for this introductory course.

Length Icon
30 時間
Cost Icon
Level Icon
レベル: 初級
Learning type icon
学習型タイプ: 集合研修, 自習型のオンライン
*Self-paced classes at NetAcad.com are free. Cost for Instructor-led classes is determined by the institution.

Accelerate your career with Networking Academy

Cisco Networking Academy is an IT skills and career building program for learning institutions and individuals worldwide. Self-paced courses are designed to take at your own pace, at any point in your career journey. More than 9 million people have joined Networking Academy and become a force for change in the global economy since 1997.
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"Don't be intimidated if you lack networking experience. Academy courses teach from the ground up. It's not easy, but when you come out, you have real-life skills that you can take directly to employers."
Kyle Thoms, NetAcad Alum