
IoT Fundamentals: Big Data & Analytics

By Cisco Networking Academy

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Game changing insights come from big data

Architectures and processes of the past are making way for more modern, real-time applications thanks to IoT (Internet of Things) systems and the data they collect. Dynamic data platforms are being built, and our ability to extract data using the latest analytics techniques is growing. So why not gain an edge and increase your employability by learning new skills? Skills such as how to collect, store, and visualize data obtained from IoT sensors, which are in high-demand. Be one of the few who know how to use data analytics to gain amazing insights from the intelligence produced. Insights that can help businesses make more-informed decisions. Prerequisite: IoT Fundamentals: Connecting Things is recommended.

Length Icon
50 小時
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水平: 中階
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學習類型: 講師引導

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